• Piano Pronto®: Interlude

Piano Pronto®: Interlude

Method Book written by Jennifer Eklund

Interlude features thirty familiar solos from Keyboard Kickoff, Prelude, and Pronto Pizazz Volume 1, transposed to the keys of G and F major, and adjusted to include more independent work between the hands. The pieces, which include teacher duets, can be used to challenge early beginners, as a lateral move for students who need reading reinforcement, or for transfer students who need a refresher of basic concepts before starting Movement 1.

Method Books

Piano Pronto®: Interlude (Hardcopy)

Piano Pronto®: Interlude (Hardcopy)

Piano Pronto®: Interlude (Digital: Single User)

Piano Pronto®: Interlude (Digital: Single User)

Piano Pronto®: Interlude (Digital: Studio License)

Piano Pronto®: Interlude (Digital: Studio License)

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Audio Products

Piano Pronto® Interlude: Super Soundtrack (Digital: Single User)

Piano Pronto® Interlude: Super Soundtrack (Digital: Single User)

Piano Pronto® Interlude: Super Soundtrack (Digital: Studio License)

Piano Pronto® Interlude: Super Soundtrack (Digital: Studio License)

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Product details

Time Signature
Tonal Center
Number of Pages72

About the author

Jennifer Eklund

Jennifer Eklund

Jennifer Eklund holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in music from California State University, Long Beach. She is an avid arranger, composer, and author of the Piano Pronto® method books series as well as a wide variety of supplemental songbooks. She is also a Signature Artist with Musicnotes.com with a large catalog of popular music titles for musicians of all levels.

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Piano Pronto Series

Piano Pronto Series

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Customer questions & answers

Who is the Interlude book intended for?
Jennifer Eklund
Asked by Jennifer Eklundon June 27, 2021
Pinned question
Students inevitably hit small reading roadblocks when they reach the late beginning level. The Interlude book is an optional volume that can be used by students after they finish the Prelude book or in tandem with the Movement 1 book to help reinforce their reading skills and to further explore playing in easy tonal centers like G major and F major. The Interlude book has a limited amount of textual method material and includes the teacher duets all in the same book. The Interlude book also works well with transfer students who need more reading reinforcement before starting in the Movement 1 book.
Jennifer Eklund
Answered by Jennifer Eklundon June 27, 2021
Pinned answer

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Reviewed on March 18, 2025
I have an adult student who played flute and is working to really cement her staff reading. Intermezzo helped reinforce what she was learning already between C Major and G Major. She now is comfortable playing in F Major as well. She had played through Movement 1 before admitting she still didn't feel she was as confident at staff reading as she should be, so I recommended this book. She is now in Movement 2 and flourishing. I plan to use this with more students and especially for adding in left hand accompaniments. One downside is that we used this while finishing up the Stage Left Solos book. Many, if not most, of the Interlude pieces were already played in Stage Left, Prelude, or Movement 1. While it was nice to have familiar pieces, the overlap got to be a bit much at times. This is not necessarily a drawback of the book itself, more the timing of when we used this book with other supplemental books.
Reviewed on April 12, 2023Verified purchase
This book is perfect for students who need a step between the beginner books and Movement 1.
Reviewed on April 15, 2019Verified purchase
This book has been perfect for a couple of my students so far. They came to me not reading very well so I used Prelude and Interlude to reinforce reading skills.