Yeti or Not, Here I Come!, by Rick Robertson, is a late elementary level showcase solo. This piece is especially useful as a “spooky” or “scary” solo for Halloween recitals (it depicts a game of “Hide and Seek” with Bigfoot), but it could be used in any other non-seasonal program.
Festive Frolic, composed by Jenny Walker, is a quirky piece full of fun. Starting and finishing in the upper end of the keyboard, it slowly creeps down until we get just a hint of Jingle Bells together with left-hand chord leaps, which can be played slightly slower. The last part of the piece completes the musical sandwich with a playful ending.
Contemplation is an easy lyrical left-handed solo for beginners that includes a lush teacher duet. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Stage Left! Volume 2 songbook.
Nightscape is an easy, minor-key, lyrical solo for late beginners of all ages. This showcase piece serves as a great introduction to legato and expressive phrasing techniques. Part of the Easy Spotlight Solos songbook. This piece has been selected for the NFMC Festivals Bulletin, 2020-2024.
Adrift is a pensive lyrical solo full of unique jazz harmonies, but easy enough for beginners and late-beginners. The sophisticated harmonies, and free-floating rubato form using multiple octaves, will make students of all ages feel successful in the early stages of lessons!
Morning Sounds is an easy lyrical solo for beginners composed by Sarah Reaser O’Brien that includes lyrics. This piece serves as a great introduction to playing in waltz-time, crossovers, and easy open-fifth position shifts with the left hand.
Once in a Blue Moon is an easy minor-key lyrical solo for late-beginners that is part of Jennifer Eklund’s Pronto Pizazz Volume 2 collection. This short study focuses on working in 6/8 time with dotted rhythms, and includes a lush teacher accompaniment.
Stellar, is an elegant, ethereal solo for late beginners composed by Chrissy Ricker. This piece is part of the Perfect Patterns songbook.
Sweet Dreams, composed by Kevin Costley, is an easy lyrical solo for late beginners. This piece serves as a great opportunity for students to work on playing repeated patterns in the left hand, pedaling, and lyrical phrasing.
Water Lillies, composed by Kevin Costley, is an easy elegant lyrical solo that will delight late beginners of all ages.
Lost at Sea, composed by Kevin Costley, is a gentle lyrical solo for late beginners. This piece serves as a great opportunity for students to work on shifting open fifths and expressive phrasing.
The Butterfly is an introspective, lyrical solo for early intermediates of all ages by Jennifer Eklund. With its delicate harmonies, this piece offers the opportunity for budding musicians to work on expressive playing and dynamic nuances.
Dreamer’s Nightfall, composed by Rick Robertson, is an early intermediate reflective solo that has much potential as recital or service music. This piece is part of the Kaleidoscope Volume 2 songbook.
The Secret is a mysterious, minor-key lyrical solo for early intermediates of all ages by Jennifer Eklund. This elegant piece offers the opportunity for budding musicians to explore nuanced harmonies and work on expressive playing and use of rubato. This piece is part of the Shades of You songbook.
Into the Night, composed by Rick Robertson, is an intermediate level ambient solo that would be suitable for the Halloween season for students looking for a mature selection. This piece is part of the Souvenirs songbook.
Imagination is an upbeat, lyrical solo by Sara Tomlinson. The opening features contrary motion between the hands, followed by lyrical and driving sections. If you or your student enjoy music with life and movement, this piece is for you!
Up, Up, and Away is an upbeat showcase for primers and beginners of all ages that will get students playing all the way to the top of the keyboard. While this solo stands alone it also includes a contemporary teacher duet part that makes for a lovely recital showcase piece.
Flight of the Dragon, by Chrissy Ricker, is a fanciful showcase solo for beginners. This piece is part of the “Creature Features” songbook.
Windy Trees is a beautiful lyrical showcase piece for the elementary level student of any age, composed by Lisa Donovan Lukas. It also has an accompanying teacher duet part and lyrics which can be sung, as well as a play-along track for at-home duet practice.
Make Your Move is a fast showcase solo in A minor for late beginners of all ages. Ideal piece for reinforcing staccato and legato phrasing and easy hand shifts. Part of the Easy Spotlight Solos songbook.
Enchantment is an easy pattern-based lyrical solo composed by Chrissy Ricker. This piece is part of the Perfect Patterns songbook.
Fifth Gear, composed by Chrissy Ricker, is a showcase solo for late beginners. This piece is part of the Let’s Quest songbook and selected for the NFMC Festivals Bulletin, 2020-2024.
Highland Dance is a spirited, Celtic-style solo from Chrissy Ricker’s Perfect Patterns songbook. This jovial romp is a fun, patter-based showcase solo for late beginners of all ages.
Cottage in the Woods, composed by Lisa Donovan Lukas, is an elegant waltz with haunting harmonies for late beginners. This piece is part of the Fantasies & Fairy Tales songbook.