Midnight Bells Are Ringing, is a spooky spin on the traditional folk tune “Frère Jacques” arranged by Jennifer Eklund. This pieces provides ample opportunity to work on lyrical phrasing, balancing the hands, and working in various key signatures.
Mrs. Flynn is a lovely contemplative solo for beginners that serves as an excellent introduction to cross-hand playing and steady eighth notes. This piece by Joanne Griffiths is part of her songbook entitled “Meet the Pilburys.”
Dream Clouds by Rick Robertson is an early intermediate solo in a neo-Romantic lyrical style. It is very effective in performance, and its passagework lies easily under the hands, making it sound more difficult than it is.
Misty Rain, composed by Rick Robertson, is an early intermediate level solo in a neo-Romantic lyrical style. It is very effective in performance, and makes an excellent repertoire choice for a developing pianist.
Something Reminiscent, by British composer Joanne Griffiths, has a reflective, lyrical melody over a repetitive, pattern based accompaniment with influences of Max Richter. Based around the C minor triad there are technical demands of evenness of touch and balance between hands, with a little left over right crossing for dramatic effect.
Something To Come Home To is a cozy and flowing intermediate level lyrical solo by British composer, Joanne Griffiths.
Chalumeau, composed by Rick Robertson is a late-intermediate level solo in a neo-Romantic lyrical style. It is inspired by the “chalumeau” register of the clarinet, with its low, rich tones (named after a reed instrument that preceded the clarinet). The melody lies close to the middle of the keyboard, and the accompaniment moves above and below it, giving an opportunity to work on voicing and balance.
Tick-Tock-atina, composed by Lisa Shoemaker, is fast and flashy showcase solo for early intermediates and up that will delight students and audiences alike. This piece is part of the Musical Mosaics songbook.
Lost in the Night is a mysterious lyrical solo composed by Heather Nanney that will appeal to early intermediates of all ages!
Horsin’ Around, composed by Ron Levy, is a Western-themed showcase for intermediates. This solo offers a great opportunity to work on articulations and to dynamically highlight the subtle rhythmic variations of the main theme.
Seven Sisters is a study in 7/8 time, inspired directly by Etude No.16 by Philip Glass. There are two main motifs that are introduced individually. One low in the bass and the other high in the treble, that are then combined to create some fun crossing the hands back and forth over a driving ostinato based on only two chords. There is plenty of scope for dynamic variation and sensitivity to tonal balance, whilst also playing with energy and imagination.
Spirit House is a delightfully spooky solo for intermediates composed by Ron Levy. Great for the Halloween season or anytime a spooky mood strikes!