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Reviewed on September 11, 2016Verified purchase
Great solo book for late beginners! My students got through it fairly quickly and were able to make each piece their own. I highly recommend this book for teachers for their studio!
Reviewed on July 13, 2016Verified purchase
My late beginners took this book and ran with it! They were able to work through the entire book last Christmas. Many of the parents told me that their children were able to use this book to play Christmas songs for friends and family throughout the holidays. Highly recommended!
Reviewed on January 20, 2016Verified purchase
Bought this book for my intermediate students this year. They love it! Especially the 12 days of Christmas. They were so excited to have a book to keep with all the carols in it that they knew.
Reviewed on December 11, 2015Verified purchase
This book has filled a big hole in my studio needs for this level. Interesting arrangements including some special harder-to-find songs with a whopping total of fourteen. Some of my students will be using this book again next year breaking the book in half. This always works well for me because they "refresh" last years songs and then push on to learn the rest of the book.
Reviewed on November 21, 2015Verified purchase
These are beautiful arrangements for this level! I love some of the simplicity in some of the arrangements but also the challenge of others like "O Come, O Come Emmanuel". Another great selection of classics!
Jennifer Foxx
Reviewed on June 4, 2015
All the pieces are just right for students to learn quickly and enjoy their time with Christmas music during the month of December.
Reviewed on June 4, 2015
This book is perfect for motivating students that may not practice much. My students want to play these arrangements. You will discover that not only will your students return to lessons knowing their assigned pieces, your students will have played every piece in the book!