Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™

Workbook written by Jennifer Eklund

Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages is an all-in-one supplement to be used in tandem with the Keyboard Kickoff method book. This workbook provides written theory, sightreading/technique, ear training, and composition exercises to reinforce all of the concepts introduced in Keyboard Kickoff. This essential item will help build strong readers and confident students!

Power Pages

Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™ (Hardcopy)

Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™ (Hardcopy)

Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™ (Digital: Single User)

Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™ (Digital: Single User)

Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™ (Digital: Studio License)

Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™ (Digital: Studio License)

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Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™ Answer Guide (Digital: Single User)

Keyboard Kickoff: Power Pages™ Answer Guide (Digital: Single User)


Product details

Number of Pages76

About the author

Jennifer Eklund

Jennifer Eklund

Jennifer Eklund holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in music from California State University, Long Beach. She is an avid arranger, composer, and author of the Piano Pronto® method books series as well as a wide variety of supplemental songbooks. She is also a Signature Artist with with a large catalog of popular music titles for musicians of all levels.

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Customer questions & answers

What are the Power Pages?
Jennifer Eklund
Asked by Jennifer Eklundon June 27, 2021
Pinned question
The Power Pages are supplemental theory workbooks that correlate to the first five levels of the Piano Pronto method book series. Written theory, technique, ear-training, composition activities, lead-sheet playing, and much more are included in each volume!
Jennifer Eklund
Answered by Jennifer Eklundon June 27, 2021
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My student is having a hard time keeping up on the Power Pages, what should I do?
Jennifer Eklund
Asked by Jennifer Eklundon June 27, 2021
Pinned question
While the numbered lessons in the Power Pages correlate directly to the student method books it is not necessary that students are always completing the materials at the same pace. In order to maximize time during lessons, work through the Power Pages material that require assistance and leave the rest as an at-home assignment (especially easier exercises like tracing, composition prompts, written theory).
Jennifer Eklund
Answered by Jennifer Eklundon June 27, 2021
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Reviewed on February 7, 2018Verified purchase
My Students really enjoy Keyboard Kickoff Power Pages which are simple and clear. They really help students to grasp each concept introduced in the method books. It is a good reference source also for those students who need a little review.
Reviewed on January 19, 2018Verified purchase
I was working with students yesterday in the Power Pages and still so impressed with them! They correlate to the topic introduced in the lesson and reinforce the concepts students are “supposed” to learn. However, when the student has to write it down, it solidifies their learning. The Power Play section does the same for their reading of music and also can be used for finger technique. The final section is either ear training, composition, or preparation for the next concept, all things that are difficult to squeeze in a 30 minute lesson. I find the Power Pages indispensable to my teaching!
Reviewed on October 14, 2017
I’m using KK Power Pages and Prelude Power Pages right now. Students love them, especially the composition exercises.
Reviewed on August 19, 2017Verified purchase
A perfect pairing with Keyboard Kickoff! My students actually enjoy this book & they love the composition sections.
Reviewed on August 17, 2017
I have added the KK Power Pages to lessons and WOW!!! have I seen some changes. The concept review and practice has really help students to learn the pieces more thoroughly and they are loving it.