God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen arranged as an easy trio for six hands, one piano by Jennifer Eklund. This selection is ideal for beginners and late beginners of all ages. Includes a full conductor’s score and the three student parts separately.
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen arranged as an evenly-leveled duet for two late beginners, with a little splash of “End Game” mixed in. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Christmas Together songbook.
Good King Wenceslas, arranged by Chrissy Ricker, in a showcase style for early intermediates.
This traditional Chanukah song is polished up by Debbie Center and absolutely sparkles with soft jazz chords sure to brighten your Festival of Lights.
This traditional Passover song is thoughtfully arranged by Debbie Center. Its hauntingly beautiful melody switches hands throughout the piece, offering a unique learning opportunity voicing the melody in the left hand while toning down the right hand.
O Come O Come Emmanuel arranged for intermediates in a lyrical showcase-style jazz setting by Jennifer Eklund. Part of the Jazzy Jingles Volume 2 songbook.
Beneath a Winter Moon, is an elegant lyrical solo for late beginners by Chrissy Ricker. This piece is part of the Easy Rhapsodies & Reveries songbook.
Northern Lights, by Rick Robertson is an early intermediate level solo in a neo-Romantic lyrical style. It is inspired by the painting and photography of Debbie Center, who is also a member of the Piano Pronto Composers Community. Center’s work, both musical and visual, is inspired by the beauty of nature around her Minnesota home.
A Cold Winter’s Night is an elegant lyrical showcase solo that is part of Lisa Frederick’s In the Groove songbook. This piece well-suited for intermediates of all ages.
Up, Up, and Away is an upbeat showcase for primers and beginners of all ages that will get students playing all the way to the top of the keyboard. While this solo stands alone it also includes a contemporary teacher duet part that makes for a lovely recital showcase piece.
Triple Double is a minor-key, flowing solo in 6/8 time for primers and beginners of all ages. While this solo stands alone it also includes a contemporary shuffle style teacher duet part.
Get in the game! Touchdown is an upbeat, sports-themed showcase solo for primers and beginners of all ages. While this solo stands alone it also includes a contemporary pop-style teacher duet part that adds even more pizazz!
Victory Lap is an upbeat, fun adaptation of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. This piece is ideal for early beginners of all ages and can be taught by note, rote, or finger number. Part of the Rising Starz Volume 1 songbook.
Picnic Party is an upbeat primer level solo, from Roadtrip: Rockstar Rally, and includes a teacher duet part. This piece serves as a great introduction to playing eighth notes. Music and lyrics by Jennifer Eklund and Kris Skaletski.
“A” is for Ant is a jazzy, minor-key primer level solo, from Roadtrip: Rockstar Rally, and includes a teacher duet part. Music and lyrics by Jennifer Eklund and Kris Skaletski.
Let’s Get Poppin’ is an upbeat primer level solo from Roadtrip: Rockstar Rally Volume 2, and includes a teacher duet part. This piece serves as a great introduction to simple left-hand crossovers and staccato. Music and lyrics by Jennifer Eklund and Kris Skaletski.
Act One, composed by Heather Nanney, is an easy showcase solo for beginners with a lush teacher duet part. This piece is part of the Center Stage Solos songbook.
Showstopper, composed by Heather Nanney, is an easy tango-style solo for beginners with a sassy teacher duet part. This piece is part of the Center Stage Solos songbook.
Fired Up! is a fast and flashy minor-key solo for beginners composed by Jennifer Eklund. This piece, which includes a teacher duet, is part the method book Fired Up! Level One.
Under the Sun is an easy lyrical left-handed solo for beginners that includes a teacher duet. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Stage Left! Volume 2 songbook.
Sad Sasquatch, by Chrissy Ricker, is an easy lyrical solo for beginners. This piece is part of the “Creature Features” songbook.
Flight of the Dragon, by Chrissy Ricker, is a fanciful showcase solo for beginners. This piece is part of the “Creature Features” songbook.
Sneaky Raccoon is an easy showcase solo for beginners composed by Sarah Reaser O’Brien that includes lyrics. This piece serves as a great introduction to playing in waltz-time, crossovers, and easy open-fifth position shifts with the left hand.
Bring Your “A” Game is an easy minor-key solo for beginners that is part of Jennifer Eklund’s Pronto Pizazz Volume 2 collection. This short study focuses on articulations and easy crossovers, and includes an upbeat teacher accompaniment.