Over the River & through the Woods, from the First Christmas Solos songbook, is a primer level holiday solo with teacher duet ideal for beginners of all ages. Music can be taught by note, rote, or finger number.
Midnight Bells Are Ringing, is an easy multi-level solo by Jennifer Eklund for beginners and late beginners of all ages. This piece is a spooky spin on “Frère Jacques” that will delight students during the Halloween season or anytime a minor mood strikes!
Winter Sleigh Bells, is an evenly-leveled duet for beginners by Chrissy Ricker. This upbeat romp will shine brightly at your next winter recital!
Winter Sky is a beautiful lyrical showcase piece for the early elementary level student of any age, composed by Lisa Donovan Lukas. Includes an accompanying teacher duet part and lyrics which can be sung, or used for interpretation.
Groundhog Day is a showcase solo for late beginners that includes lyrics. This piece composed by Sarah Reaser O’Brien is part of the Backyard Bash Volume 2 songbook.
Simple Serenity is a collection of fifteen easy lyrical solos composed by Jennifer Eklund. These calming pieces offer a great opportunity for beginners and late beginners to explore lyrical playing, rubato, octave shifts, and pedal work.
Out of the Fog is a minor-key, lyrical duet for beginners full of mysterious harmonies students will love. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Pronto Pizazz songbook.
Memento is a haunting lyrical piece in F minor ideal for early beginners. Memento includes a teacher accompaniment that can also be played by an intermediate level student. Music by Jennifer Eklund.
Forget Me Not is a lyrical, minor-key duet perfect for very early beginners of all ages. This piece can be taught by note, rote, or finger number. Part of the Rising Starz Volume 1 songbook.
Forget Me Not is a very easy lyrical left-handed solo for beginners that includes an elegant teacher duet. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Stage Left! Volume 2 songbook.
Soaring is a lyrical duet that uses two black keys and two easy rhythmic values. This duet is ideal for very early beginners of all ages. This piece can be taught by note, rote, or finger number. Part of the Rising Starz Volume 1 songbook.
Faded Photographs is an easy lyrical left-handed solo for beginners that includes a lush teacher duet. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Stage Left! Volume 2 songbook.
Just Passing By, is an easy ambient multi-level solo by Jennifer Eklund for beginners and late beginners of all ages. This piece is part of the Level Up! songbook.
Out of the Fog is an easy lyrical left-handed solo for beginners that includes an elegant teacher duet. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Stage Left! Volume 2 songbook.
Contemplation is an easy lyrical left-handed solo for beginners that includes a lush teacher duet. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Stage Left! Volume 2 songbook.
Adrift is an easy, contemplative lyrical solo for beginners that includes a harmonically lush teacher duet part. The student part stands alone as a solo part where students can experiment playing in different octaves.
Mrs. Flynn is a lovely contemplative solo for beginners that serves as an excellent introduction to cross-hand playing and steady eighth notes. This piece by Joanne Griffiths is part of her songbook entitled “Meet the Pilburys.”
Strolling is a lyrical duet for a beginning level student and an intermediate level student or teacher. Music by Jennifer Eklund and part of the Pronto Pizazz songbook.
Nightscape is an easy, minor-key, lyrical solo for late beginners of all ages. This showcase piece serves as a great introduction to legato and expressive phrasing techniques. Part of the Easy Spotlight Solos songbook. This piece has been selected for the NFMC Festivals Bulletin, 2020-2024.
Adrift is a pensive lyrical solo full of unique jazz harmonies, but easy enough for beginners and late-beginners. The sophisticated harmonies, and free-floating rubato form using multiple octaves, will make students of all ages feel successful in the early stages of lessons!
Morning Sounds is an easy lyrical solo for beginners composed by Sarah Reaser O’Brien that includes lyrics. This piece serves as a great introduction to playing in waltz-time, crossovers, and easy open-fifth position shifts with the left hand.
Night Sounds is an easy lyrical solo for beginners composed by Sarah Reaser O’Brien that includes lyrics. This piece serves as a great introduction to ties and easy position shifts.
Someday is one of our most popular easy pop-style tunes for late beginners. This multi-pack includes both solo versions and two duet versions of this favorite that will delight students of all ages. Music composed by Jennifer Eklund.
Unbreakable is an easy multi-level lyrical solo for beginners presented in three different versions to accommodate students using Piano Pronto Keyboard Kickoff, Prelude, Movement 1 or the Fired Up! series. This piece of part of the Level Up! songbook by Jennifer Eklund and includes orchestrated play-along tracks in Mp3 format.