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Reviewed on May 10, 2024Verified purchase
This book is a great way to start beginners with familiar melodies and to supplement if they are already started in other books. I've had great success with the Keyboard Kickoff book. I especially like that eighth notes are presented soon so students don't feel intimidated by them later.
Reviewed on February 7, 2018Verified purchase
I love this book and the whole series of Piano Pronto. This method books makes everything easy for student and teacher. I love the layout, really easy to follow with clear instructions.
Reviewed on January 4, 2017Verified purchase
My go-to book for every new student age 6 and up! I love the approach to finger numbers.
Reviewed on November 26, 2016Verified purchase
My students absolutely LOVE Piano Pronto! They especially appreciate songs that are familiar and fun to play!
Reviewed on November 2, 2016Verified purchase
Teacher duets with this book are amazing! Love the simple lay out, song choice, and flexibility. Some young students struggle with using all five fingers in each hand, so I adjust fingering and sometimes do the songs in a different order. Very flexible method.
Reviewed on October 6, 2016Verified purchase
This is a great start for beginner pianists. Much more enjoyable to students playing familiar pieces.
Reviewed on August 30, 2016Verified purchase
I have come to love this book as much as my students! I struggled for years (mostly without realizing it) with method books that take a full book to get students "on-staff". I thought they needed the extra time - until I started using this book. My students are advancing more quickly, and I love it. Even students who are a little slower get the hang of reading on staff right away with a little supplementing. My favorite part is how their eyes light up when we turn a page - so many familiar favorites, which has really helped in learning new rhythms quickly. My students love the songs!
Reviewed on August 6, 2016Verified purchase
I have been very pleased with the Piano Pronto method books. I love the fact that they start on the staff, do not use middle C position and have many familiar songs. My students are getting a great foundation in this method.
Reviewed on June 24, 2016Verified purchase
I did a lot of research when Piano Pronto first came out before I switched my students over. I am so happy with Keyboard Kickoff. It introduces staff reading right away versus the old finger number style of teaching. My students are reading and playing so much better! They are thrilled to be playing familiar songs right away and parents are thrilled with their children's progress.
Reviewed on June 13, 2016Verified purchase
Three students of mine that started in January on the prelude/Kk combo (ages 6, 9, and 10) are finished with the books. My 6 yo daughter (one of the three) is quickly catching up to her brothers, and learned more and advanced faster in 6 months than her brothers did in another method in a year and a half. She has found her passion these past few months, and it's music, greatly propelled by the availability of meaningful music at a level she can play. Her sight reading ability far exceeds that of her brothers. She also started violin a few months ago, and her musicality is being noticed by her violin teacher too.
Thank you Jennifer for helping her find what she loves and providing enjoyable music and easily observable progress to my students. I was hesitant when I started with Piano Pronto, but now there is nothing but love!